Okuidumo yumura


The restaurant of a sunken hearth"

奥出雲湯村温泉 湯乃上館

The ridge of a straw-thatched roof uses 茅 as a roo-finish substitute and a restaurant of a sunken hearth.

* Since there is only one sunken hearth restaurant, and a supper and breakfast interchange by "the restaurant of a sunken hearth", and "room foods". [ 2 sets ]Usually, appearance becomes a supper with a sunken hearth restaurant in large numbers.
A spring example (a menu changes.):

The thing, the boiled fish, the pottery (the chicken wing and the vegetables in season), the tempura, the soup, boiled rice, and dessert of the beat, the chawan-mushi, the bamboo shoot herb simmer, the wild grass small bowl, and San-in vinegared mozuku seaweed of a horse mackerel

* The method of utilizing a cooked in a pot is under examination.
"Boiled fish, eye light"

It will be "eye light" if it is called spring boiled fish.
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